Saturday, 26 April 2008

Living your dreams

Working in a renowned software company, earning a five digit salary, staying in your hometown with all luxuries, everything available on a platter, what more does one want?

Self satisfaction is not something which you can buy with any amount of money. Unless you don't feel happy about what you are doing, no matter how much you earn, you are not a contended person. This satisfaction comes when you feel that you are performing to your true potential, you are stretching yourself and achieving things that you are capable of achieving. Rahul Dravid was asked as to how he felt on reaching 10000 runs in test cricket. He said that he felt extremely happy on reaching this milestone. He felt that he had maximised his potential and made best possible use of his talent and that gave him a true sense of satisfaction.

How true? The feeling that you have achieved something which is indicative of your potential gives you immense satisfaction, not the wealth and money that you have accumulated. True, you do need wealth and money but it is the contentment and satisfaction that you derive from what you do, keeps you motivated.

There would be lots of small things, which might not be monetarily beneficial or trivial to others. But you still remember them and derive immense pleasure just from the simple fact that you enjoyed doing it. It could have been helping someone out during their time of need, watching a sapling that you had planted blossom fully, making a receipe that came out perfectly or scoring a century in street cricket.

So reach out, go ahead and pursue what you are interested in because that is what ultimately matters, not the riches and other secondary things that come along with it. It is the dawn of a new day, today is your day, work hard and live your dream. GO, GET IT.


Unknown said...

hey eswar,

simple yet thought provoking article. Great start!

Arvind said...

Nice one to start with..keep up the good work!!